Presumptive alien / malformed foetus in UAB, Catalonia

This morning a lab partner showed me a photo from a friend of him working in Anthropology department in UAB university, Catalonia. The taken picture was about a specimen which was checked for a while by people from that very department in Bellaterra Medicine faculty. A group of people offered that thing to them so they could visually and manually inspect it. However, they were not allowed to analyse it by methods such as DNA extraction. With the amount of available information they were able to gather, they considered that was a kind of malformed human foetus, unless that were not a very realistic setup. I uploaded a photo so you can wonder about it :) Alien in UAB, Catalonia" title="Alien in UAB, Catalonia" /></a>  <b>UPDATE:</b> The origin of this history seems to be Chile. Here the information about the in a local newspaper.


Només explico allò que m'han comentat. No puc saber més que allò que la font que m'ho ha tramès, que de fet és de 2on grau respecte als fets.
Es veu que en arribar la curiositat van estar distrets tot e1 dia al departament. Aquells qui ho van portar diuen que ho trobaren a Sud-Amèrica, que no és precisament un lloc petit.

Però bé, caldria veure si aquest espècimen apareix també en llocs web del rotllo aquest alienígina per tal de crear atenció sobre el tema…