In English

Contents in English

Joint Declaration on Data Retention

Please, if you are from an association or organization within the European territory, encourage the other members to sign as a group. In an individual way, you may use this page.

As representatives of citizens, professionals and businesses in Europe and world-wide,

Convinced that the recognition of inalienable human rights is the foundation of freedom, security and economic prosperity,

Object-oriented Biology

I have just read an interesting article which discusses about the application of object-orientation paradigm, used in popular programming languages such as Ruby, Java or C#, in dynamical and statical description of different gene products and their derived forms. Object attributes and properties, which could refer to proteins and their ulterior complexes, come from vocabulary terms created in Gene Ontology initiative.

Unique identifiers for authors in scientific publications

In Biomedical Digital Libraries journal, I have read an interesting paper which proposes unique identifiers for the authors of publications in Biomedicine.
This need comes from the growing amount of scientific publications, and the ever increasing difficult task of identifying the authors of those works.


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