First days of OOoCon 2007 in Barcelona

This Tuesday afternoon is going to be the pre-start of OOoCon 2007. These conferences are going to be held in an exceptional and awesome location such as the historical building of University of Barcelona.
If you arrive the main entrance hall, try to spot someone wearing a T-shirt as the one is wearing the model below. They will try to help you find your way to the conference rooms and assist you regarding to any problem you may encounter during your stay in the Catalan city.

Jesús OOo

Sessions during this first afternoon will focus on the community level, from native language to marketing. These will end with a party in the University gardens for all the members of the OOo Native Language Confederation.

OOoCon 2007 Barcelona

One new event not listed in Wednesday schedule will consist in a Mac Porting session. This will be gracefully hosted in Centre Comarcal Lleidatà, in front of the University building, at 8PM. All those who may want to cheer the brave developers for a while, they may also join there for a beer.

More info to come in next days ;)
