Blog de Toni Hermoso Pulido

Toni Hermoso Pulido

Un exemple poc educatiu de Microsoft

Fa unes quantes setmanes diferents mitjans van fer-se ressò de l'acord a porta tancada entre el president José Montilla, el conseller d'Educació Ernest Maragall i dos representants de Microsoft, el director general Steve Ballmer i la representant a la península Ibèrica.

Entrevista a Versió RAC1: El paper de les multinacionals en la localització al català

En Xavier Vidal, responsable de la secció tecnològica del programa versió RAC1, va entrevistar-me ahir per a conèixer l'opinió que tenim la gent Softcatalà pel que fa al paper de les multinacionals en la traducció de programari al català.

Presumptive alien / malformed foetus in UAB, Catalonia

This morning a lab partner showed me a photo from a friend of him working in Anthropology department in UAB university, Catalonia. The taken picture was about a specimen which was checked for a while by people from that very department in Bellaterra Medicine faculty. A group of people offered that thing to them so they could visually and manually inspect it. However, they were not allowed to analyse it by methods such as DNA extraction.

Fortune and research

I normally enable fortune application in my .basrhc file, so when I log in my remote terminals I can get a welcoming quotation. Even during the busiest times, it can help you smile for a while. That's an example:

Research, n.:
Consider Columbus:
He didn't know where he was going.
When he got there he didn't know where he was.
When he got back he didn't know where he had been.
And he did it all on someone else's money.


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